Webinar: Couchbase Server 2.0 and Incremental Map Reduce for Real-Time Analytics

Couchbase 2.0 features incremental map reduce, which provides powerful aggregates and summaries, even with large datasets for distributed real-time analytic use cases.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How incremental map-reduce works in Couchbase Server 2.0
  • How to utilize incremental map-reduce for real-time analytics
  • Common use cases this feature addresses

Featured Speaker: Jasdeep Jaitla, Developer Evangelist, Couchbase

JasdeepIn his own words, Jasdeep has "had many hats, many roles, and is accustomed to intense startup culture, entprenurial spirit, and beating the odds".  He is as a Developer Evangelist at Couchbase, where he is responsible for helping developers and their organizations make the most cost effective and scalable decisions and empower their projects.

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